-The prime purpose of this Camp Meeting shall be to preach the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and to promote Revivals among our Churches.
-It shall be the purpose of this Camp Meeting to spread the Gospel, Radio, T.V., The printed page, by Distributing Tracks, and by Personal Testimony.
-It shall be the purpose of this Camp Meeting to stimulate people to believe in the existence of God, the verbal inspiration of the Bible, the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, the security of the believer and to look for the personal return of our Lord.
-It shall be the purpose of this Camp Meeting to spread the Gospel, Radio, T.V., The printed page, by Distributing Tracks, and by Personal Testimony.
-It shall be the purpose of this Camp Meeting to stimulate people to believe in the existence of God, the verbal inspiration of the Bible, the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, the security of the believer and to look for the personal return of our Lord.